Weekly Photo Challenge – Rise/Set

Dawn, Mono Lake

Shivering in the cold (single digit Fahrenheit) under a completely overcast sky before dawn, this had all the makings for a complete bust photography-wise. Then, bam! The dawn sun came up and a red/orange glow spread across the clouds and the water. Wow!

It was gone in a couple of minutes. But being there for those few moments to see and capture an image more than made it worth getting up so early, hiking in the dark and enduring the cold discomfort. It is definitely a favorite sunrise.

11 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Rise/Set”

    1. Allan, thank you very much for your kind words. This time I managed to get it right, however, considering how often I don’t, I’m positive this grasshopper still has a long way to go to before ‘Master’ applies.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Tim and you’re welcome. Always nice to get something back for the effort but I’ll admit given the choice my preference is for comfort if I can! 🙂


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