Yellow Bearded Iris

Yellow Bearded Iris

Oops! Meant to post this yesterday for Cee’s Flower of the Day for February 18, 2018. Better late than never, I suppose. Cee’s flower was a bearded iris and one had just popped up in the garden, so I thought I’d do another, too. 🙂

More Macro

California Tortiseshell

Butterflies in February?? Well maybe down under but not usually in the northern reaches of ‘up over’. And perhaps the time of year explains why this tortiseshell looks a bit worse for wear.

Weekly Photo Challenge – Tour Guide

Reversed ‘Virtual Tour’

You know those ‘virtual tours’ where your point of view is from the center with you looking out at the subject as if it was wrapped around you? Well this time your ‘Tour Guide‘ has done the reverse: a full 360° set of views of a park gazebo from the outside looking in to give you an impression of all sides at once.

Super Blue Blood Moon

January 29, 2018 an almost full moon shines through a light mist. Will it be clear for the full moon and eclipse?
Blue moon over a weather vane.
Blue moon over a grain elevator.

Two images taken January 30, 2018 of an essentially full moon: the super blue moon (super = when a full moon is at a closest approach to Earth; blue = second full moon in the same month).

Total lunar eclipse series, January 31, 2018.

The last image: a super blue blood moon 🙂