Tag Archives: sky

Mok Mok Wak Wak Yokohama Yo Yo

Mok Mok Wak Wak Yokohama Yo Yo

For Patti’s Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #13 “Look Up” *and* Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Circles and curves, I give you an extract from Hisayuki Mogami’s Mok Mok Wak Wak Yokohama Yo Yo Sculpture (1994).

Super Blue Blood Moon

January 29, 2018 an almost full moon shines through a light mist. Will it be clear for the full moon and eclipse?
Blue moon over a weather vane.
Blue moon over a grain elevator.

Two images taken January 30, 2018 of an essentially full moon: the super blue moon (super = when a full moon is at a closest approach to Earth; blue = second full moon in the same month).

Total lunar eclipse series, January 31, 2018.

The last image: a super blue blood moon 🙂